Enviromental Education

  • Community environmental education with students, teachers and parents, and local and county authorities.
  • “Earth Festivals”
  • Training young environmental leaders.
  • Forest fire prevention and fire fighting brigades with communities in coordination with regional authorities.
  • Connecting with other networks, the health, public education and adult education sectors, municipal seats, and state agencies.

Communication with the Community

Mural painting, neighborhood meetings, didactic materials for students and adults, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as a weekly radio program “Our Earth,” via Radio and Television.


Solid Waste Management

Solid waste management and support for the micro-business collection centers and pursuing an inter-municipal solid waste plan.

Earth Center (Centro Tierra)

Earth Center (Centro Tierra) is where we transfer three decades of experience to multiplestake holders through educational workshops, materials, experienced instructors and facilitators.  Participants include agricultural and forest producers, field technicians, students, micro-entrepreneurs, apiculturalists, gardeners, homemakers, teachers, functionaries at all three levels of government, legislators, and civil society organizations.   Last year 53 courses and workshops were held.  We see this knowledge at work in the communities of the Reserve where regenerative actions are taking place everyday.

Didactic Materials and Communication