Sanctuaries of Wildlife

In 1996 we created the first private natural reserve in the Sierra Gorda, to protect a unique cloud forest that is home to jaguars and newly discovered species of magnolias that would have legally been permitted to be lethally cut down.  Today we manage 10 private reserves where humans provide protection.  Illegal logging and degradation are things of the past.

The biggest threats today are dry season, provoked forest fires and weak institutional response which obliges us to be directly involved.  Thanks to the World Land Trust (UK), we are operating a new campaign of fire prevention and control in the area of greatest risk with our own forest fire brigade. We´re also organizing new rapid response volunteer brigades with the Reserves´ five municipalities civil protection offices.  We are conducting a comprehensive media campaign, coordinating with enforcement authorities, and do presentations to reduce environmental crimes as well as conduct community meetings.