Concise Summary:

To achieve the continuity of vital services of nature within a Reserve of the Biosphere eminently social: production of oxygen, water, capture and storage of carbon, sustainability of the biodiversity, climate regulation, Earth productivity, etc. with the participation of local communities for the building of a sustainable development for and with the people, with management programs and territorial order, establishing rules and norms in a participative and condensed manner, using multiple strategies of raising awareness, coordination with the three levels of government and the private sector, agreements, amicable credits, preventing future conflicts to assure the regional stability. Negotiated defense against institutional abuses, negotiation in aggressive tributary procedures or that represent an unfair tax to community groups, social order and norms built from bottom to top, with expedite procedures, shared criteria, participative work, watching development conditions that would favor the population, generating conditions for peace in the long term. Above all, maintaining the habitat and ecosystems that support us in the best conditions, preventing shortage of water, loss of soil and lack of employment and creating development opportunities, building agreements where the human components participate in conformity and close collaboration for the common good. The aspects of greater conflict are disorderly growth, the public works of great impact on natural resources, mega works such as dams and highways, mistaken development pretensions, lack of order, weak application of the rules and lack of definition in the possession of land. The initiative pursues a regional administration with ordered procedures, clear situations, encouraging processes towards a harmonious and sustainable development: – Growth of a culture, education, and training for a sustainable development. – Strengthening and diversification of the regional productive activities. – Integral management of solid waste and waters. – Protection and restoration of hydrologic basins and water sources. – Conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity.