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by Martha Isabel Ruiz Corzo

Starting a new year, our thoughts are always on the most pressing issues. We must evaluate what happened in 2013 and see that we have one year less to complete our most important objectives; whether we made the most of our time or wasted it. One thing is certain in life: no one knows how long your life will last. Let’s hope we will always keep up with the challenges life throws at us, without forgetting our dreams. We must be accountable for our actions, looking for transcendence, like a treasure that holds our intentions and our actions according to our existence.

Life passes us by so quickly we hardly notice and in one breath our youth is gone. Soon and with great surprise, autumn arrives and we have still not learnt our lessons and we are surprised that life has flown by so quickly. It is terrible for the sun to set without having found the meaning of life, what a waste that our possessions remain and physical beauty and social importance do not travel with us on the next step of the journey. The only certainty is that we are all going to depart this world naked, just as we arrived, in body and being.

We must take communal responsibility for the emergencies in our society and planet and reflect on them with great seriousness. How can we intervene? We must mobilize solutions, commit ourselves, generously sharing the gifts and material riches that were given to us, not accumulate them and claim to have found the meaning of our existence. This life is a moment in an eternal space; social importance and position in society will remain on this plane, it is sure that we wont take anything with us. We will only present ourselves with our works of love, with our spirit and with what we have achieved, like a passport and ticket. Everything we have sowed will come to fruition.

For this reason, dear reader, it is worth taking life seriously; laying to rest or passing from this life in peace, knowing with joy and satisfaction that your actions have been loving and have had an effect on the universe.
I propose to love the Earth and all human beings, marvel at the miracle of each day and be thankful for life. We must re-focus on nature, recover the fraternal sense for everything surrounding us, with the aim of constructing hope and creativity, operating for the common good, enlightening us with a passion for journeys and new paths, away from our troubled present.

Experiment with the pleasure of giving, giving and giving. Just like the poet Gabriela Mistral says:
All of nature is longing to serve
It provides the clouds, it provides the wind, it provides the furrows.
Where there is a tree to plant, plant it
Where there is an error to correct, correct it
Where there is an effort everyone is avoiding, accept it
Set aside the stone road, the hatred between hearts and difficult problems.
There is a joy in being healthy and being fair, but there is, above all, the beautiful, immense joy of serving

With this way of thinking we can approach 2014 by giving significance to our lives.

Best Wishes!